WALT use language features of persuasive writing
To be successful I will:
Use rhetorical questions to make my writing interesting
Use emotive language (words about feelings/emotions)
Use emotive language (words about feelings/emotions)
I think I was successful because I was able to fix up all my mistakes and I was able to use emotive words.
My next step is to be able to add a counter argument into my persuasive writing.
I learnt that a counter argument is when you think about why your reader will disagree and you give reasons to argue against with.
Plastic bags.
I believe plastic bags are harming the environment. Do you think Kaikohe should become a plastic bag free town?
Have you ever wondered how many marine animals die from plastic bags each year, the answer might shock you. Marine animals get forced to live in a tragic habitat. I researched and found out that up to 100000 marine animals around the world die each year. That's atrocious! I think Kaikohe should become a plastic bag free town because Plastic bags pollute our land and water and Plastic bags are harmful to wildlife and marine life.That's just dreadful!
Furthermore plastic bags should be banned from Kaikohe because Plastic bags are harmful to human health. Did you know because of the destruction plastic bags cause other governments have banned plastic bags.
Plastic bags are not easy to recycle! Did you know that it is good to recycle because recycling reduces the need for more landfills.I think it's good to recycle because the things we recycle people reuse it to make lots of new things. Recycling helps to reduce the pollution caused by waste. Added to this solid waste material that ends up in landfills causes air pollution.
In summary I think Kaikohe should become plastic bag free because plastic bags are not easy to recycle and they just get thrown into the landfill. Whoever wants this harmful problem to stop would help the community get rid of all of these plastic bags.