
Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Have you flew all around the world? Well I have on GOOGLE EARTH!

W.A.L.T: Explore new countries and research what their populations are.We basically had to explore different countries and cities and find out what their population for their city/country was and we also inserted what we had found out into our google spreadsheets to list the many cities and their different populations.Here is my work:

Friday, August 10, 2018

Our New Song

The past few weeks we have been learning new waiata for our Kapa Haka.We have recently learnt a new song,It's called Toku Mauri....
Here is our new song.

Toku Mauri,No tu a whakarere,
Toku Ngakau,Hei tuku Whakairo,
Toku Wairua,No nga tupuna tuturu,
He tu whakairo nei,He paepae mo te rangi,
Tenei ahau (x2)

Ru ana te whenua whatiwhati te uira,
Mo ana ki te ha,ki toku tu,
Kia kohikohi kai mo toku oranga,
Kia kohikohi kai mo toku wairua,
aue Te aroha, karere,Aue Te aroha Karere,
Tenei ahau he uri o nga tupuna,
Arataki e ahau kia puawai,
Tenei aha te Kura o Tautoro,
Arataki e ahau kia whakatau

Friday, August 3, 2018

Daily goal

We have started to do our daily goals.Today I done My daily goal based around Maths.We have started doing our daily goals so we can achieve a goal everydya.Here is my daily goal.