Yesterday, during reading both of our clases had a task to complete. Our task was to rewrite a piece of writing the exact same way that it said on the paper. We also had to find all the mistakes and comment on the side with the correct answer. It took us about 15 minutes to complete the task and most of us got it all correct. One other task that we done was finding figuring out as much words as we could starting with the word star because the name of our reading was Twinkle, Twinkle, Little star. One last thing, All of the highlighted words are mistakes. I hope you enjoy!!
W.A.L.T: find, discuss and explain all punctuation.
twinkle, twinkle, little stars
You may be suprised to learn that stars actually
never do no twinkling at all! When you look at a
star they are seeing them through the thick layers
of air that make up the earths atmosfere. When the
stars light pases threw these layers of air, the light is
bent or ´refracted´ differently by each layer. This is
because of mosturre in the air as well as diffrently air
temperatures and the movement of the air. Together,
it make the starlight seem to be moving, witch we see
as twinkling.
Compound word Exl: Basketball, Keyhole,
Ladybug, rainbow, sandcastle.
Star wars