
Monday, June 18, 2018

Walk the talk!

Last week Thursday we had our speech competitions, so we were working very hard to complete our speeches.Quite a few of us didn't get to complete their speech so there was only a few competitors.Lucky for us we were able to choose if we wanted to compete in the classroom speech competitions.To make it into the school speech competition all the class contestants had to Utilise their stage space and we had to use hand gestures. I just made it into the school speech competitions and I came third.Sadly only the first place contestant was allowed to go to the rotary.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Speech draft

This week was very nervracking because this week was speech week.
Here is my speech draft.

Hi Everyone My name is Tehanah and I have chosen to speak about having a
community footpath.
I Strongly suggest that Tautoro should Have a footpath from the Falls to Honey
tree farms, so the people of Tautoro can safely walk to the Falls and we are separated
from General traffic.

My main reason why I think there should be a footpath from the falls to Honey tree
farms is because it could save lives. It is sad to think that innocent people have been
run over by vehicles and those driving have carried on without a thought.

If we don’t fix that problem instantly,that could happen to one of us! I think we need
a footpath urgently to prevent this from happening to anyone.

.Another reason why I think our community should have a footpath is because it
provides a safe place for us to walk. As you know that there are alot of children in
Tautoro that walk on our road. I think if our community worked together we would
be able to install a safe footpath for not just families in Tautoro but for all who visit.

In addition to this I think there should be a footpath from Honey tree farms to the
Falls because it would be somewhere people could exercise, and just somewhere
positive to be.

Have you ever walked to the falls? I have and it is really dangerous because all
there is on the road is the drains and gravel. There isn’t even much space provided
to walk on the sidelines.We are sick of walking to the falls in the ditch! Thats why
we need a footpath!

Having a safe footpath would also be a big help for my papa as well, you know why?
Because my papa walks on our main road every morning and sometimes in the
evenings and a footpath would be tremendous for my papa and our whanau

.I guess your thinking, Why do you even bother? Well I am writing about this so
my family and our community can be safe whilst hopefully walking on a brand
new footpath.

In summary I think our Community should have a footpath from Honey tree farms
to the Falls! The reason we need a footpath is because footpaths play a vital role
within communities and we are one of the many communities that need a footpath!
We need a footpath urgently! Anyone who knows how to run a community would
agree.Thank you for listening to my speech.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Hour of code

We have been learning how to code.Our coding game that we played was Minecraft.
I enjoyed completing all of the tasks because every time I completed a level it was like I was getting closer to the finish line.It was challenging when I didn't read the instructions and I didn't know what to do but just my luck Lloyd was sitting next to me which was a relief. It took me 45 minutes to complete my hour of code tasks.I helped others by helping them complete tasks that they were stuck on.I needed help with level 10.Here are my screenshots of my Hour of code.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Lazahris's 4th Birthday

In the holidays, I travelled to Auckland with my family to celebrate
my nephew’s 4th birthday. The night before his birthday my sister
prepared his cake, the birthday cake was Spider Man themed.
When the morning sunshine hit at 6.00 clock sharp, Lazahris,
his parents and I awoke and we got ready to set off to the dawn
Parade. It was freezing outside! When we got home,Well by that
time everyone finally Arose. Lazahris set off on a little treasure
hunt to find his presents. His first present was a pack of beyblades
and a beyblade arena.After he found all of his presents he ran off
for a shower and started to play with his new toys.Minutes later
Delynah said “Collect up all the food and your stuff and hop in
the car” So Lazahris hoped in the car and I buckled up Elijah.
Later Delynah and I plus Elijah hoped in the car and zoomed
off to Gravity.

When we arrived at Gravity Lazahris and I quickly hopped
out of the car and raced to the doors. We finally made it and most
of Lazahris’s friends were already there so Delynah hurried to the
counter and paid for Lazahris and I. When Lazahris and
I got to the tramps he was so pumped that he rushed onto the
tramps and tumbled straight away because of how bouncey they
were. After awhile of jumping I could start to feel the adrenaline
pumping through my blood.

Next me and Kaya went with a bunch of girls to play dodgeball.
There was a big as area just for dodgeball and it was surrounded
with blue netting.Gravity was Extreme. Then the game finally
started and we started shooting the other girls. But lucky for us we
had soft balls to shoot with.Later on that day we went to the park
for lunch. We had Pizza,Hot chips,Cocktails,sausage rolls,Brownie
and loads of finger food.The food was devine.Next Karlin and
I went to feed the ducks.Out popped an ugly Catfish and a big
bunch of eels, So we bolted off to grab some bread.Bloop,Bloop,
Bloop was all we could hear because the eels and the catfish were
gobbling up the bread.After Karlin and I were finished feeding the
ducks we headed back up by the picnic.

Week 4 Technology

In Week 4 we made Chutney.Here is my presentation about week 4's Technology task.

Whakapounamu kai/Technology Reflection!

The first week we went to Technology we had a blast! But on the first week we had a little bit of a rocky start which was ok but it was only because we didn't really know where all the equipment was until Whaea Ursula told us.As the weeks passed we finally got into the routine of Knowing where everything was,Following instructions and keeping our stations tidy.