
Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Writing sample

Today we assessed our own writing samples. We had to write what score we thought that we deserved, and then we had to explain why we deserved that score. My final score was 43/5a. I think I deserved this score because I feel that my writing had all the correct structures for an advanced writer. I am quite proud of my score.

A special place in the community.

Write to explain to your reader why this place is special.

Think about:
  • what your reader needs to know about the marae
  • how you are going to introduce the marae
  • the order of your ideas and how you link them.

A marae is more than just an artifact. A marae is eligible for a lot
more considerate things than just being a historical value. Families
visit marae to become a stronger clan. A marae is special because it
is utilized for celebrations, milestones, reunions, shelter for the
homeless, Te reo maori and many more cooperative assists. A marae
is the foundation of families. A marae provides an authentic lifestyle
that families hope to come home for. A marae can bring forth comfort
from families and it can also make families come together as one.
All marae are different and have powerful meanings to back them up.
You will come across many marae that are carved, and then on the
other hand you have many marae that are not carved. These minor
things don’t mean that people are not maori, it has a stronger meaning
that many people or tribes have different perspectives of how they
want their marae to look. 

Celebrations occur at a marae quite a lot. These are reasons for
families to come together and celebrate occasions with their many
loved ones. Celebrations have always been apart of the marae because
the ancestors of ancient years also celebrated birthdays or reunions
at a marae. A celebration that prevails at a marae is usually backed by
a huge hakari. You should never come across a marae that doesn’t
supply the manuhiri or whanau with a kai after whatever occasion
takes place. This is just one of the many things that the kaumatua,
kuia and most of all ancestors had high standards of. Celebrations are
examples of how families can use the time together for bonding and
In New Zealand itself, there are way to many people that are
homeless and this subtracts the strong wairua that our maori nature
provides. By far there are a few marae, specifically located in Mangere.
Mangere is apart of the big city called Auckland and in Mangere there
is a marae called Te Puea memorial marae that has agreed to open up
their doors for all homeless people to feel welcomed along with a lot of
comfort. These marae have campaigns going to support homeless people
with clothes, food, comfort and many more civil acts all likely to make
people feel welcome. This is very helpful because this however has a
big impact on marae and how people choose to look at them. 

Te reo maori has a big repercussion on marae because Te reo maori is
the indeginous language of Aotearoa. If you were to listen in on
kaumatua and kuia mihi, you will hear their whakapapa and their pepeha.
This is one way to find out how you are related to them and they would
usually announce their family line, so you will also recognise some of
your relatives. When the manuhiri are brought onto the marae,
sometimes there are Kaumatua that mihi as they walk in, they are
most likely acknowledging loved ones that have passed on or thanking
the kai karanga. These are some authentic things that families are
proud to come home for. 

A marae is very special in many ways. It is vigorously vital to keep
our maori language compulsory so that many generations from now
can endure the language just as much as the tupuna did. Marae are
used for celebrations, shelter for the homeless and most importantly
Te reo maori. A marae is held to manufacture memories and also to
gather for the commemoration of a loved one. More importantly a
marae is known as a forever home.


For Structure and Language I thought I used all the structural features
that was appropriate to the genre. I used a variety of language features
that were a perfect fit for my criteria.
For Ideas I thought that I showed insight, originality and some authority
and/or reflection on the wider world. My ideas were deliberately selected,
effective and elaborated well. This is why I scored myself a 6 for ideas. 
For organisation I scored myself a 6/6  because I know my paragraphs were
properly sequenced and structured. 

For Sentence Structure I scored myself a 6 I thought I could write a
variety of sentences that are grammatically correct. Most of my sentences
were correctly structured for effect.

For Vocabulary I thought used precise vocabulary that were descriptive,
effective and expressive. My vocab were all technical and abstract for

For Punctuation I thought I was able to use a variety of punctuation that
enhanced my writing and very little mistakes.

For Spelling I thought I spelt essential words and a range of difficult or
diverse words of a few or no errors.