
Wednesday, September 25, 2019

My Statistics Data

This presentation presents my Statistics Data from my test. We had three different tests that are often completed every term! My presentation includes images of my tests and also highlights and reflections. I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, September 3, 2019


This afternoon, a rather large group of yer 7 and 8's travelled down to Whangarei intermediate school to compete in the yearly Epro8 challenge. I was lucky enough to be apart of the large group! Not gonna lie, I was so nervous just thinking about the different challenges that we had to complete in a action packed amount of time..... Well not exactly, we basically had 2 and a half hours to complete as many challenges as we could! We had come across a rough start to our challenge. We all then payed attention and slowly got the flow of how everything functioned. We also had a little glance at every elses creations here and there so that we could get a fair idea about what our objects needed to look like. The task that I found most challenging was probably this one challenge where we had to make a frame for the battery and direction box to hook up to in order for our counter machine to process. This was a hard task to complete because we had to attach a switch to go off every time the wheel turned 360 degrees. We had to attempt this challenge about 4 to 5 times. After we finished this one task, we discovered that we were coming close to last place...... We thought of a solution really quick so we decided to choose our next task carefully and also to be cautious with how many points were awarded with the tasks. We hit the red buzzer at least 7 or 8 times and every time the judge came around, we just about got points for every clocked level. I will update this post with the pictures when they are shared to us!!

Monday, September 2, 2019

Te Reo Week 7

This week for Te reo Maori, our group completed a task that revolved around famous people! Not only that, we had to mention their position that they play in and also where they come from. One other thing that we had to do was mention someone famous that we knew that played a sport that we enjoyed as well..... I hope you enjoy!!

Weekly Blog Comment

This week on our angendar, It was the Kaikohe cluster's turn to comment on the Kaikohe west schools blogs. I decided to comment on a young girls blog. Her name was Amber, I thoroughly enjoyed reading her blog posts on her blog. Here is a picture of my comment below, I hope you enjoy!

Word of the day

Word of the day is something new that our classroom does instead of spelling. I find this method easier than spelling because you are able to complete the definition of the word in a rather small amount of time. It isn't as simple as it seems, believe it or not, some words are quite challenging actually. Here is my example of our word of the day....... I hope you enjoy!