
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Interpret Graphs

Yesterday, I had to do a bit of follow up work due to my days off. This task was very simple. Nothing was really hard about this task because we just had to answer questions with specific words. I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Word of the day

We have started a new task instead of Spelling homework. Our new task is called Word of the day. I thoroughly enjoy completing this task because it is a very simple task and its mindful due to our oncoming work. Here is a picture of our word of the day that I completed this morning before maths. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Read Theory!

Reading theory is a new reading site that my classmates and I enjoy using, one of the pros about using this app is increasing your literacy levels and it is also very fun to use. Here are some snapshots of the reading theory app. 

My career

Here is a brief presentation on what I want to be in the future. My powerpoint also includes some facts about being a lawyer and lastly, the different types of lawyers. I hope you enjoy! 

Te reo

For Te reo this week, our groups had to make a movie that advertised and explained what "Ahea" meant! This was very easy because we already knew what it meant, we just needed to come up with an idea of how to advertise that kupu. We had three people in our group! Here below is our short video and our presentation! I hope you enjoy!!

Maths quiz

Kia Ora, Today I have been working on an assigned maths quiz! My Quiz is based on stage 8 Number sequence! This was a very long process to begin with, but I also had fun creating this powerpoint because I had the opportunity to explore the web and find out many different ways to decorate and structure my quiz. For an easier experience, Full screen the slideshow to get a better viewing! My challenge for you to complete this task for my maths quiz is to try and answer as many questions as you can. Next, comment down below something thoughtful and also your score! Goodluck!!